Rainy Palm Sunday, sunny Easter?

Rainy Palm Sunday, sunny Easter?

The popular saying that many believe is true actually says the contrary, that is: Sunny Palm Sunday, rainy Easter!

However, we prefer this entertaining inversion of the traditional weather prediction since last Sunday, Palm Sunday, was extremely wet and rainy. If the saying that many believe is true really is, then next Sunday, Easter Sunday, should be sunny and warm.

This year, Easter is fairly late, in the third week of April, so we can hope that along with the beautiful sunny day the temperature will be mild and pleasant. If that’s the case, we can look forward to being outside on both Easter Sunday and Monday, which is a national holiday in Italy.

For the upcoming holidays, we’ve noticed that the patio umbrellas at the Osteria di Brolio restaurant have made their first appearance outside the restaurant. This leads us to hope that if the weather is as clement as we mentioned above, tables will be set outside as well. After the cold winter months, dining outside in a beautiful garden (in this case, in Brolio’s wooded park), enjoying the soft air of springtime while enjoying delicious food and glasses full of magnificent wine is something that we all feel we need right now.

While we’re on the topic, here’s the Easter menu at the Osteria:

Osteria’s welcome

Local rabbit terrine

Risotto with artichokes

Lamb served in two ways

“Colomba” Easter cake in a glass


We look forward to welcoming you to Brolio.



Menu Pasqua
Menu Pasqua 3
Menu Pasqua 2