August = Vacation

August is here, the month for vacations, rest, reflections, travel, reading. In this month we often concentrate a number of physical and mental activities that we can’t manage to fit in during the year. And it’s a well-known fact that when these activities are done while on holidays, they have a whole new flavor!

Last year, we published a “happy holidays” post that contained a number of suggestions about what to do at Brolio during the hottest month. This year, we extend our invitation to come see us once again, but we’re offering new activities and exciting proposals!

Besides everything you can read here – all still valid! – now’s the time to mention three great new things to do in 2018:

  1. The e-bike tour recently launched and which is already nearly completely booked. Hurry on over! A few places (and bicycles) are still available;
  2. The Treasure Hunt for small children;
  3. Our Osteria restaurant with its new personality.


You’ll recall that we’ve already told you about our e-bike tour and the Osteria in recent posts. The Treasure Hunt is instead absolutely new. We haven’t yet told you, or better, written about it, so let’s do it now!


This is how it works: guests will find the maps inside a wooden box at the beginning of the path that climbs up through the wooded park to the Castle. At every stop there’s a sign dedicated to an animal or plant typical of our area. All the children who complete the map will be awarded a bookmark and a diploma signed by the Iron Baron himself!


The Treasure Hunt was introduced only very recently and in this first week we have received a number of compliments from families for the idea, and the children have been especially enthusiastic. For more info, you can call or email here.


Another fascinating thing to do during a day in the wooded Park, and especially a way to entertain the little ones who come along with their parents after finishing the Treasure Hunt, is to view the Keystone. This stone is engraved with the year near the main entrance to the Castle. It’s a detail not common among Tuscan castles, and ours carries the date of 1776. This shows that the entrance to the Castle was much smaller, both in height and width, prior to 1892, when the Castle was restored. In 1892, the stone that was the Keystone was embedded to the right of the current entrance, marking the height of the earlier entrance of the Castle. A fascinating and interesting fact.


The Magazine is taking a break for a bit of a rest, but the hospitality group is here at Brolio and looking forward to meeting you!


Have you packed your bags?


We’ll be back soon!


Ingresso Castello 1
Ingresso castello 2
ingresso castello 3
Caccia ai timbri 2
Caccia ai timbri 1