Francesco Ricasoli
15 July, 2022“Producer of great wines. Food enthusiast. Sea lover.” That is how Francesco Ricasoli introduces himself on his Instagram account. These are certainly three important aspects of his life at present and his passions definitely range towards activities and places often far from Brolio, both geographically and otherwise.
One year after celebrating the thirty-year anniversary of Ricasoli being at the helm of the winery that bears his historic family’s name – he, who, in 1993, left a very well established career in advertising photography to dedicate himself to running the winery full-time – we want to tell a bit more about his life beyond his daily role as entrepreneur and president.
Francesco Ricasoli’s Instagram account is a witness to his many interests. On this virtual platform, his numerous followers can look at pictures that recount a life story constantly guided by his beloved vineyards and wines, and generally imbued with a profound aesthetic sense. Beyond his passion for wine is also a love of art and beauty, which takes Ricasoli to visit galleries, art studios and collections, namely during his travels, in search of pieces that move him, that he likes to discover, admire, and, occasionally, bring home with him. Among the latter is a green glass sculpted vase by Czech artist Rony Plesl, to which Ricasoli is particularly attached. Or, more recently, an ancient Iranian carpet found in Paris, or a vintage Japanese sword that he has in his office as a source of inspiration. “The beauty of an object can capture me in an instant,” says Ricasoli, “like feeling inspired to take a picture.”
Ricasoli is committed to care for the works of the Castello di Brolio collection and to share them through loans to exhibitions. A recent example is that of the exotic beauty portrayed in the painting “Mesù, the actress,” which was the center piece of the exhibition “Galileo Chini and European symbolism” at Villa Bardini in Florence. “It’s one of my favorite paintings,” says Ricasoli, “and that’s why I’m glad that it hangs in the winery’s waiting room to welcome those visiting us.”