The new olive oil has arrived

The 2021 climatic trend influenced the olive harvest in Brolio. As the Technical Director Massimiliano Biagi reports, all of the more than 4,000 olive trees, distributed at various altitudes in the 26 hectares of olive groves of the property, have suffered during this complex year. In particular, the great drought and the heat of summer caused many olives to fall before ripening.

The harvest was completed from mid to end October, and was certainly less abundant than that of 2020. Cold pressing, which allows the oil to preserve all its characteristics of freshness and genuineness, rendered one thousand liters of precious olive oil. This will all become Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva 2021 Castello di Brolio, the “Classico”, a blend of the three typically Tuscan varieties present at Brolio: Moraiolo, Leccino and Frantoio.

The new oil has a beautiful bright green color and an intense, fruity bouquet, with notes of fresh cut grass and green olives. In the mouth it is very delicate and with a good balance between spiciness and bitterness. The Chef of the Osteria di Brolio, Franco Sangiacomo, of course confirms that the new oil will be one of the autumn delicacies on the table from November, since he has among the cornerstones of his cuisine the use of local and seasonal raw materials. The olive oil will flavor the tasty soups of the season, made with Jerusalem artichoke or porcini mushrooms, or the classic Tuscan ribollita, but also delicate salads of mushrooms and the Tuscan zolfini beans, and it will be an additional ingredient to enhance recipes based on fish.