Bartender features Ricasoli as the Wine of the Month

(extract)”…I decanted it for about 40 minutes to soften the tannins. I tasted flavors of…

Gary Twining highlights Barone Ricasoli Winery as the oldest winery in Italy, featuring Colledila 2015,…

Chianti Classico’s Francesco Ricasoli

BARONE RICASOLI CHIANTI CLASSICO CENIPRIMO GRAN SELEZIONE 2016 – Score 99 “A beautiful nose with tangerine peel,…

The Somm Journal features Ricasoli 2015 Colledila and Ricasoli 2015 CeniPrimo

Wanda Mann shares information about Ricasoli and recommends Ricasoli Brolio Chianti Classico DOCG 2016, Ricasoli…

Helen Gregory shares information regarding the terroir of Ricasoli wines.

Manos Angelakis discusses Ricasoli and highlights Colledilà, CeniPrimo and Roncione